Sunday, June 13, 2004


At this very moment Susie should be in Dwight's immediate vicinity. I can't wait to hear how it went. I'll be up most of the night as I had a late nap, so I'll probably cal Val later to hear all about it. I doubt Susie will be able to talk about it today. It was a week before I could get anything out other than a very squeacky "he kissed me" So, I'll hear about it from Val. She has such a lovely voice. I could have listened to it all day.

Had a bit of an argument with Billy. Poor guy. He's just going to have try to keep up. What is it about him that reminds me so much of Mark, damn him for killing himself. The smartest thing we ever did was decide to be business partners and not a couple. In spite of the way it ended, I miss him. We could sit in that garage all day and talk non stop about everything and anything. It was best when we didn't agree. I really miss having someone who can keep my mind working like he could. I still am surprised when people ask me about him. Israelis just can't get their minds around the fact that we were only business partners, and not romantically involved. That almost messed things up with Gili, but I don't want to get into that now. I want to keep the good mood about Susie and getting into the whole Gili mess just makes me sad. I'll update on Susie when there's news.

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