Friday, June 25, 2004

Social Insecurity

I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened the letter from Social Insecurity. I was expecting to see that they've stopped the transportation allowance, but, no! They've actually reduced it to what it's always been(????????) Of course this letter *could* be a mistake and they have taken it away, but now I'm hopefull that it will stay the same. I'll know on Monday. If it comes in the same, I'll have to find out what means in regards to buying a car. I'll do the appeal in any case. Dare I hope that letter is correct?
I got the 200 Striar the liar sent and a new battery for my watch. and the local papers. I'm now going to have a shower, then read the papers before I get ready to go meet the kids at Sde Nehemia.

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