Friday, June 18, 2004


Had to kick that idiot picture bot prog out again. Nothing works right when it's installed. Gerald will be here on Sunday morning. Maybe he'll be able to figure something out.Of course if he gets here when he said he will, I'll miss the last hour of Dark Matters. Other than that, it's been a GOOD morning so far except for the pain, but, hey, without it, I'l probably think I'm dead, so........
I got the most amazing package from Cab today. I adore that gal to pieces and feel so privileged to know her. She is truly one of the special ones.She sent a ciggie holder, purple bracelet and Chinese fertility charm for Da Brat, and a gold leaf,(must remember to ask what the leaf is aside from pretty?)along with the most fascinating tale on the origin of the holder. How did she know I've been wanting a holder for years, not just to hold fags, but to use where smoking can get you in big trouble, like airplanes and buses. I absolutely love it, and HER!My thoughts on all kinds of subjects aer chasing themselves round and round my head and making me dizzy.
I called Eli about the a/c and he said he'd try to get here around 12:00. It's 13.20 now, so it won't be today. Maybe Sunday? They just announced on the radio that this is suposed be a super hot summer here, and dangerous to the elderly and chronicaly ill who don't have a/c. I *do* have a/c, it's just not working. Haven't really needed it yet. The new room helps keep Gimp House cool. Don't ask me how, coz I don't know! Could have something to do with 40cm thick walls and and even thicker ceiling/roof? Not that I'm complaing or anything,inquiring minds want to know is all.
Teadrinker is on the line, and all I want right now is to build a salad, crawl into bed and have a nice read/rest!
I MUST, figure out a better way to sit here more comfortably, this just hurts too much after a shorter and shorter time. Achh. Maybe I'll try the new wheelchair. At least it's feet are at a 70 degree angle. Good for kneesles! And the back of it has adjustable velcro thingies. It pisses me off a bit that last year I was gimping around the house and only used the chair to go out. Now, I'm spending half the day in it. AND THOSE IDIOTS SAID I'M GETTING BETTER; Yeah, right.
It is now time to do the above and try to figure out if yesterday's post pissed Billy off. I'm so good at that. Anyway, we shall see what we shall see.

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