Tuesday, June 08, 2004

It's becoming clear

I was wondering why all the hurry up with the new room. It seems there's been a lot of things going on at Har Dov on the border. The ragheads are shooting. One soldier got injured, a bandaid injury only but they sent him to the hospital so the idiots there could finish what the Hizzies started. Achy was here for several hours waiting for a press conference. The Northern Border is back in the headlines.
Fanny didn't come because her brother in law had a stroke and he's in the Afula hospital so she was there with her sister. Turns out we were neighbors back in the good old days when I lived in N.E. I'll call Etti later and ask her about them I'm sure I knew them then.
Fanny forgot her bag there and came home without fags or money so I gave her two packs and she took out the rubbish. She'll come and clean tomorrow morning. Poor thing. Highlander is on in 10 minutes and Achy will probably call in the middle of it with an update. I MUST remember to call the a/c service dept.to check out the a/c before it gets turned on for the summer. It's nice and cool now, but boy was it hot today.

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