Tuesday, June 15, 2004


Some idiot gimp left my cellphone on my bed last night. Said idiot didn't lock the keys. While I was on the computer after Rivka and David went to sleep, Ragamuffin was doing jumpy jumpy on the bed. Some of her jumpys landed her on the phone and somehow it dialled Guy's number, 9 times to be exact. When I finally went to bed, I put it on the nightstand. The phone rang at 04:00 and there was an extremely irate Irit on the end of the line. "WHAT WERE ALL THOSE CALLS TO GUY AFTER 23:00?" Luckily she knows Ragamuffin, so it was clear what happened. She called again this morning to have another go at me. I MUST be more carefull about where I leave that phone.
Rivka and David just left. They don't know when they'll be back, maybe next week, maybe the week after. It's kind of fun when they are here. They are out all day and just come back in the evening. After a nice visit, they go to sleep. It's not at all like having house guests that need entertaining. I barely know they are here.
Rivka, bless her little cotton socks, left me 20 so I can see the new Harry Potter movie. I can get anything I want except fags and movie tickets in this without so much as half a shekel in my pocket! I think I'll go to the 16:30 show. I also have to get a new keyboard for this. This one has sticky keys and I've been wanting a black one for ever so long. They don't make purple ones, or if they do, they aren't available here. This one is driving me so nuts, I'll get black.
It's going to be a hot one today. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to get away with not using the a/c. I'd better get Eli over to check it out. I have a feeling it needs gas. I'm going to run defrag while I'm at the movie. With any luck it will finish by the time I get back. If not, I'll redo it before I go to bed, which will be early tonight. Phone calls at 04:00 tend to be disruptive to tired gimps.

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