Tuesday, June 15, 2004


I was on Harley and on my way out of here when the electric contractor for the new room appeared. They were supposed to notify me before they came, OR arrive by 09:30. If I'm not mistaken, 10:45 is AFTER 09:30. These guys are also enfossilated to the specs and won't install my fan without permission from the *gods of the white paint* [sigh] But he will fix the big light fixture in my room so that maybe I'll be able to see what's in the wardrobe without a torch or candle! If this whole thing was not so infuriating, I'd be rolling around laughing and most likely will be when it's finished. Now, off to do battle for my fan light! How exotic. I just love them. I have one for the new room and another for either the living room. soon to be dining room, to replace the old one that threatens to shake itself loose from the ceiling. Damn idiot who installed it! In principle, they should be able to finish by the time I have to leave for the movie! One can but hope!

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