Thursday, July 01, 2004


Intermttant Memory Loss! Except it's not really, it's more like Idiotic Memory Loss. I've been charging blythly around town without my check book since Friday, and only realized it today when I wanted to write a check for the lenses in my reading glasses. It wasn't there, so I'll pay Amos on Sunday. Not a problem. I wracked my poor damaged brain and couldn't for the life of me remember when I last saw it, so went charging into the bank to tell Mordy "no more checks this month" He's so good at that stuff. This was after Ilana did her Dracula act and drained 3 tubes of blood from me. I kept leaking for almost an hour, but a very small leak that has turned into a huge hematoma, as usual! From there, staight to my fave coffee shop for a wake up jolt of java. Blood tests after an 8 hour fast are easy, it's the no coffee that hurts. I could do 48 hour fasts, but stay away if the fast includes coffee. From there, into the bank to consign most of my savings account to my checking account, so that's done, then a quick run home to get the paper the shyster needs to file the Victor suit. IML again. As I had about an hour to kill before he showed up, I went to see how much bricks are at the company that isn't there anymore. Off to the Industrial Area tomorrow. By the time the shyster should have arrived, my left shoulder was hurting so much I wasn't sure I'd make it home, but I did and the syster called and said he'd late and I told him he'd have to come here. AND I found my check book. It was in the bag I used Friday when I went out with the kids. Whew! I wonder where the shyster is, he's really really late, and because he was supposed to be here ages ago, I didn't take a nap and I needed one. I zonked out early last night and was out of here EARLY today.
It didn't help at all that the Lunatics upstairs had some kind of celebration last night with Atlas Mountain "bongo drums" going nonstop until the legal last minute. It looks like there's even more planned for tonight.
I wonder how to get the smell of turpentine out of here. I put in a new Haze thingy, turned off the a/c and burnt about 6 insence sticks. It still stinks!
The Shyster just called and he'll be here in 5, so I'll just post cause that's about it for today!
Syster's ben and gone! He's filing on Monday and then things will get interesting. I'd bettter get a new tape and batteries for my tape recorder. I wouldn't put anything past Victor.
I missed taping Any Day Now today, I just hope tomorrow mornings' is a rerun of the one on now. I reallly want a set of the whole series. It will make for a short morning out to get back in time to tape it. I've also started taping Charmed from the 20th episode because I only discovered it on channel 3 by accident yesterday. They are running it every day from the beginning. That's good because I missed most of the first 2 seasons, and Star World is in the 5th or 6th season now.
Off to bed and TV until maybe the IM buzzes. A gimp can hope, right?

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