Thursday, July 15, 2004


Hah! Oct. 1-3 Collectormania in some place called Milton Keynes. Must start investigating that place! The site gives a couple of hotel that are close by. Maybe I'll get really lucky and Jips will agree to be The Boss Of Me again! It was so great with her the last time. I'm so excited I'm literally bouncing around with the widest grin imaginable! Dwight AND Dirk at the same place. Better get another copy of the Cookbook printed for Dirk and drag the cover page with for him to sign too! God, I LOVE going to England. Maybe I can figure out a way to stay a bit longer and see a bit more. One of the nice things is that it's in an area I haven't seen yet. Even nicer is that it's not a con with entry fees and all. Just airfare, hotel, and spending money. AND it's soon enough to already get excited and far enough off to get the money stuff sorted! I already asked Jips if she wants to be Boss of Me again. I'll be a basket case until I get an answer from her. I think I'll go find out more about that place right now.

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