Saturday, July 17, 2004


Today I am going to get my filing binders covered and put on the bookcase next to the computer, then, get on with putting the rest of the books in the list. The interesting part will be covering all those binders with my one and a half functioning hands. Contact paper and I never got along that well back when I had two good hands. I just have to remember to take it nice and slow and not let the frustration get to me. I already have the contact paper, so I'll use it rather than spend money on new purple binders. If the binders go well, I just might do the blast door as well. That's what I got the paper for.
10:40 and so far no calls from Teadrinker. She must be next door. I'm not ready to talk to her yet. I'm not ready to talk to anyone except Billy now, and maybe Alice. I'll call her tomorrow. I really want to know how GG is doing. If Alice isn't home, I'll call Tiger Hill and have a chat with Mom.
Ok, enough procrastinating. To work!

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