Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Cable, which is now HATED less than Netvision taught Kerry how to do the flip flop. When I first made *that* mistake, the one where I  got cable, and the automatic disconnects started, the cable techie said it was the network card and switched it to USB. The guy today said it's the USB and switched it back to the card. Go figure. Well, time will tell.
STL sent 1000 today and I got fags and shelves. It's progress, and he still owes 2700. I'll have to go out again and get in a few beers, bottles of water, and some of my beloved whole grain bread thingys. The shelves are in place and I'll be disappearing into that room after the sun goes over the Naphtali hills. The store is out of my shelves, and I'll have to wait to get the rest, but as I can only bring a few home home at a time, that's ok. Oi, almost forgot to call Achi and tell him that Ein Zahav is dry through the park. That usually means that the Hizzies are diverting the water. In the 12 years I've lived in town, I've never seen it DRY. Hmmm, he's puzzled too and will look into it.

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