Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I'm getting well and truly fed up with saving this page where I want it. It stays there for a day or so, then self deletes!
Didn't get much done yesterday or today, but at least the month (it seemed like a year) of holidays is over, and tomorrow I'll be able to get back to my usual activities.
Peg ran out of food last night, so first thing this morning I called the doggie store. They are supposed to be here with it any minute. I was zipping blissfully though the several thousand (or was it million?) posts at the VA when Bat Chen called and asked for some emergency translation. We plowed our way through that in an hour or so, and nothing else got done.
I never even finished my first coffee!
The idiot new cable phone isn't working so I unplugged the modem in the hope it will sort itself. If not, I'll call them. Nope, no joy there. The lights are all blinky. Gotta dig out their number and give them a shout! Even before that, I think I just might make a fresh cup of coffee and finish this.
Cab/Kiri is doing pretty well with her blog. It's a joy to read. If you want a fun read, look up Funkadelic Sandwiches at Blogger. It's well worth it.
I've been driven wild over the last few months by Dwight fans who joined the Dark Matters list and started gushing all fannish there. I've had a private word with two of them, and luckily the third emailed me off list to ask, and I headed her off at the pass. Granted, a fair number of us are there because of him, at least that's how and why we went there to start with, but most of us sort kind of almost forgot he was there too and really got into the list and radio show on their own merits. Doesn't the guy deserve one list where he doesn't have to run for cover from over zealous fans? He *is* very generous about sharing himself with us at cons. It annoys me that some just don't get it and need to have it explained of words of less than syllable! If this latest lot behaves themselves, maybe he'll stop in and post more often. He's certainly done enough for us, isn't it time we give him a little too, even if it's only peace and quiet from fannish behavior? Poor guy, you'd think he has enough to contend with, with me flying all over the globe to see him?
Off now to organize fresh coffee and catch up on the guy who went boom in Hadera, today.


Anonymous said...

Talking about the DM list (and I promise I won't go all fannish - I'll even join under an alternate ID ;-)) can you email me the details - I'm kinda interested in all sorts of matters like that!

Ta very much


Purplegimp said...

You will be most welcome there. I trust you implicitly!
It just got to be too much, and all at once, so I vented here. That *is* what a blog is for, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

That's why I joined under an alternate id - so that the fannish thing wouldn't be an issue - although I see a lot of familiar names already :-)

And yes that is what a blog is for.