Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Yesterday was the 35th anniversary of the first time I came to Israel. What a day that was. The minute I got off the plane I knew I was home. In spite of all the idiotic insanity here, that hasn't changed one little bit over the years. I'm exactly where I was meant to be. The day would have escaped me if my favorite ex hadn't mentioned that it was a holiday when he called and I asked which one. "Columbus Day" he replied, and it hit me. The very day so long ago that I first came here.What a great day that was.
My favorite ex called last night to find out if I'd heard anything about Dad's estate on behalf of his children. I told him to send Aron to the probate courthouse in Palm Beach and get a copy of the will himself, and that it might take a lot longer than anyone thinks as there a many questions I'll be wanting answers to before I sign off on it. A few minutes after that call, Aron himself called and we had a lovely chat. In my fury at him I'd forgotten how personable and funny he is. And yes, I missed him and his wacky sense of humor. He even sent me a picture of Cowboy Aron. What a handsome guy he is!
To put rumor to bed, TBFH is not pregnant, contrary to what her mother told some of the neighbor ladies. I decided not to mention the rumor TBFH's father is spreading. Time will take care of that one! I'm just going to ignore it. Aron also told me that Irit had her baby. I *knew* that a while back, but it was good to have it confirmed. Another grand daughter I'll never know. I don't even know her name. Either Irit will grow up and get over it like Aron did, or not. I'm not backing down. I'm too old,gimpy, and creaky to hop on a bus and go there when she beckons. I have a perfectly good, if small, house and they can come here any time they want. I'm still smarting from the fact that she never bothered to call, never mind, come here after Dad died. That was about as inexcusable as can be. Much much worse than not letting me know she had the baby.

On a happier note, Cab and I had a wonderful Text Message session on my new phone. She is the most amazing person I know. I discovered that one of the phones does more tricks than the other, which is good. It means they aren't really redundant. I'm going to play with the *smarter* phone when I get back from town today. I have to go back to Cellcom and investigate the issue of the name they gave me for the email there. After living over 50 years with wrong names, I'm not putting up with it anymore! I guess it's time to get out of here and go do that and take back the wine that turned out to be vinegar that I paid 54 shekels for! Expensive vinegar.

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