Friday, October 28, 2005


There was a report on the news recently that some bank in England decided to stop using the term piggy bank out of consideration for their Mussie clients. Odd, we have the same, if somewhat older, restrictions about pigs, but as far as I know no Jewish person ever thought to ask anyone to stop using the term! Hells, the term is pretty much universal in Englishes speaking countries, and can refer to anything used to save coins, from an old coffee tin to a proper piggy bank in the shape of a pig. I even know people who called the JNF(Jewish National Fund. The money that was used to buy land here in the name of the Jewish People) collection boxes 'piggy banks'. What is the world coming to when we have to stop using the words 'piggy bank' because some Mussie might take offense? Don't bother answering that, I already know the answer. I'm sure you've all figured out by now that I've done my bit for Western democracy, and freedom of expression, and bought a piggy bank today! It might be in the shape of a purple hippopotamus, but that doesn't change the fact that is, and, always will be a PIGGY BANK! It's giving in to them on these seemlingly small issues that will come back to haunt us in the near future. Must go and put it in pride of place and dig all the small change out of the mortar bowl that was until today my piggy bank! I have a good spot to retire the mortar and pestle to! It served long and well.

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