Sunday, October 09, 2005


There are some interesting side effects to being bilingual. I've pretty much been living my life in two languages since 1972 when I first learned to speak Hebrew. There was then a period of 7 years when I spoke Hebrew only without any trace of an American accent. I forced myself to learn to read in Hebrew because the only English language newspaper at the time was crap, and I figured that if I wanted *real* news, it had to be from the Hebrew papers. It was a landmark moment when, driving to airport, I looked at a sign and wondered why they wrote the same thing on it twice. It was a split second before I realized that the sign was in both English and Hebrew, and therefore, written twice, and I'd taken in both languages pretty much simultaneously!
The next hurdle was to read a book in Hebrew. Reading in English is still easier and as I read so many books for pleasure, it made more sense to read in English. Achi gave me a special book in Hebrew for my birthday one year, and I read it with great pleasure and proceeded to get the rest of the books by that author-Irit Linor. My first run in with complete brain confusion was when reading one of her books that partly took place in Maine. What was weird was that she got Maine right, in Hebrew no less.*That* was strange to read. Even freakier was finding out from her husband (who was a frequent guest at the hotel where I worked) that she had never even been there! Somehow she got it just right! Maine is not easy to get right, but she did!
It happened again last night, in reverse. There was a movie on channel 10 that took place in Israel. Ok, I've seen lots of movies they either took place, or were filmed here, but done in English. I'm still trying to figure out why it was so strange to watch this one. I kept an eye on the subtitles because it seemed that it should have been done in Hebrew, but of course, Charlton Heston and Claude Van Damm don't exactly have the fluency level required to do a whole movie in Hebrew. The whole Israel in English thing in that movie reminded me of the Maine in Hebrew thing, and I think I'll be athinkin' on it for a while.
We changed to Winter Time last night, and I only have one clock left to change, unless you count the one in the TV. That last is a royal pain to change, so I'll do it later.

Some time after the news last night, I remembered that I had heard there had been an earthquake some place in Indonesia, so I texted Cab, who turned out to be nightclubbing with friends. We exchanged a few hilarious texts, then, next thing I knew, I was being serenaded via cell phone. Seems she was teaching her pals some songs. After the first somewhat bad performance she called back and with her as lead singer and her friends as back up vocalists, they pretty much got it right. I do adore that woman! I also revel in the insanity that a Welsh gal in Indo and an ex Mainer in Israel text and email each other from countries that are not exactly on friendly terms!

Last night I was smart enough to lock the door after bringing Peg in, and it's a good thing I did. Child Genius arrived after midnight and I just wanted peace and quiet. He has his own computer at home, so why does he want to use mine? It wouldn't surprise me if he was up to no good. Now that it's back to running the way I want it to, no one, but NO ONE else is going to so much as look at it.


Anonymous said...

I'd love to go back to bilingual, so far I've got English, Welsh, Mandarin Chinese, Indonesian, German and French running rife in my brain! Just as I'd given up on the German and French I keep finding times I need to use it. I'm making a stand and officially forgetting these 2 languages as of now!!

I think you're wise keeping the genius child off your computer, if he has his own, let him use his own!

Glad you liked your serenade, I'm still experimenting with alcahol quantaties for the right pitch and tone!!

Love ya lady,


Purplegimp said...

I love you more!
The thing with bilingual is that while I can get by in French and German, I function equally well in Hebrew and English.
I absolutely adored my serenade, and I'm busy planning your writing/bed/etc. room. Does your laptop connect with wires and cables 'n stuff, or is it wifi? No matter we'll get hooked up right and proper! I can't hardly wait.

Anonymous said...

Um it has a plug....? I've never connected it with anything, my laptop's shy like that! Well I used to function equally well in Welsh and English, but I haven't been able to use Welsh properly for so long, I've now taken to reading anything Welsh I can get my hands on to keep it up. I will not lose my national language, not after so many fought to keep it. Grrr!

The sensible time to come is May/June 2007, but you never know what's gonna happen, it may be before!!


Purplegimp said...

Sensible? Since when have we bothered with that? Come whenever you wish. My gimphouse is your gimphouse!
I'll ask the cable rep about getting WIFI put in here, but at worst, we'll just go out and buy any needed cables and connectors that aren't available in my *unused at the moment* cable and wire box!