Friday, October 07, 2005


So it took most of the day, but it finally hit me that those 1500 shekels could only have come from one place! It seems that some 20 odd years ago I bought a share in what was then the largest chain of supermarkets in the country for 10 shekels. A couple of years ago I got a phone call in the middle of the night, 0800, and a gal asked I was Frances Golan who had once lived at my last address in Nazareth Elite. I admitted it and rattled off my ID number in my sleep. She then informed me that the chain had been bought and the new owners wanted to take it private and were buying back all the shares, which were then valued at 7 to 8,000 shekels each. I spent most of the day walking around in shock, then called back to find out if I had been dreaming or if it was real! It was real and about a year or so ago I got the first payment of two. It was either 3 or 4,000. Must search out the paper, and we had to sign a thing with our bank account numbers when we collected the first payment at the post office. That means there's more on the way at some point and I am quite chuffed at having solved the mystery all by myself!
Things are so slap-dash in this country it's amazing. They just stick 1500 in your account without so much as note in the mail and leave you to figure it out for yourself. Not complaining, mind you, just commenting. That money put me back on the legal side of the bank, so I am most thankful. I'll be even more grateful when they pay the rest of it, no matter if it's just another 1500, I'll be thrilled. So will my bank.

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