Monday, November 08, 2004


She actually does look stupid enough to be doing what she's doing. Yeah, so by force of a piece of paper that says she's Arafart's wife and therefore his next of kin and the only person (other than his daughter, who is a child) who can legally act in his name, she is playing power games with the PLO. How stupid is that? I should start a betting pool on when they'll *do* her. It is somewhat fun that this is all going on in France. Of course Chiraq insulted whosit from Iraq and tried to visit a terrorist in a coma. So.......who is stupider, Chiraq or Souha? The French are welcome to both of them.
The bank was open for a change, so I dropped the 500 into the bottomless pit, then sent flowers to Susie (the card worked, TG), came home and did my vegetable imitation until 18:30 or so and came here to see if there are any interesting conventions coming up in England. I found one in Feb. and STL had damn well better have things sorted by then, because if I'm still upset about not getting to Collectormania, it'll be nothing next to what is coming.
I'm in a really weird mood and am not sure why. Part of it is STL, part, I need a break, and part, I don't know. Just feeling off somehow.
The weather changed today and at last it was cool enough to wear long sleeves and pants. I couldn't find the shirt I wanted, so will have to organize a proper search for it tomorrow.
I never thought I'd be saying this, but it was quite a wake up this morning. Yvette (Avigdor to you) Lieberman was being interviewed by Dovi Gilhar on Israel 2 this morning and what he said actually made him me forgive him all the crap from '92. At last...and so simple! He says that we have to give up land and move settlers, there is no reason that Israeli Arabs who identify with the PA shouldn't be made to do the same. Dovi tried to make him sound like some kind of racist, but Hey! It's easy, right, and why not? Two States for two peoples. No Jews there and no Arabs here. Fair is fair, but it makes too much sense for it to ever happen. Too bad.

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