Monday, November 29, 2004


How stupid can I get? I had most of this post written, then lost it when I went to another site to check how to spell a name. Serves me right. I had an odd dream last night. I don't usually remember dreams, but this one I did. I like to watch Highlander-Adrian Paul is the best looking guy I've even seen on the tube or off. Good grief, there should be a law. Of course the Sorbo guy from Andromeda and Hercules runs a close second. I also like to watch Relic Hunter. Never claimed to have sophisticated taste in TV shows, now, did I? Anyway, I hunkered down to sleep with AXN showing Relic Hunter, and somehow Mac Cleod and Amanda were there with Sidney and Nigel mixed up in the search for DeMoley's sword. I was all confused when I woke up. Those shows seem to use lots of the same shots of buildings and locations. Things got a bit clearer when I watched a rerun of RH today. Mac's barge was in it, as was the Watcher's headquarters and a woman who looked a lot like Amanda, but wasn't the same actress. So...that got sorted.
While all that confusing stuff was wreaking havoc with my sanity, I went through my morning routine, coffee, e mail, meds, dressed and out to look for the coat I decided to buy this year after 13 or so years of the old one. First stop, cash point. Second stop, store where I got the purple sweater coat, where I found a dark purple sweater/poncho/cape with a turtle neck, which soon will be mine. I love T necks. Then off to the other mall, where I found THE COAT. I asked if they had any purple coats like *those* black ones. The answer was "no". Then I turned around and saw IT. Exactly the coat I've been yearning for since forever. A long light purple parka with a hood. Of course it wasn't my size. I left the shop, got a few things at the grocery store, checked to see if my book was in, then went back to find out about getting that coat in my size. I stopped Harley in the middle of the store, dug in my heels and announced that there I would stay until they found *my* coat in my size. 6 phone calls later, they found it. It will be there by Thursday, at the latest! I can't wait. This is going to be the best winter yet and I have sneaking suspicion that I will never buy another winter coat again! Happy happy gimp. I just love it when a purple plan comes together!

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