Saturday, November 06, 2004


Knowing me, I'll probably be sorry I did this, but, that's nothing new! I downloaded a new browser, Maxthon, and so far far, I like it ok. It will take a while to learn, and I *do* love a challenge.
The other thing I most likely will regret is my Saturday splurge. I decided that I deserved a treat, so off I rolled to Burger King to try their 'new' tortilla wraps. Ok, but nothing I'm likely to get addicted to. I'll try the Micky D's new thing next week.
For my next trick, I think I'll try to get Zone Alarm to work for me. I really do not like being without a firewall. That project will wait until Monday. I'll be starting the 'lectric chair thing then, so won't be going out too much and will have tons of time to mess around here.
I've been meaning to rant about a couple of election related subjects I just haven't gotten around to yet.
This whole 'pending' (or whatever they call it) ballot thing is a crock. I see absolutely no reason that anyone who is there (as opposed to out of the country and eligible for an absentee ballot) should be allowed to vote any place other their own precinct, after showing proof of identity. Excuse me? There are laws, no? Anyone who is of age and a citizen must be allowed to register after showing proof of both. Non citizens should NOT be allowed any of the rights and privileges of a legal citizen. It's real simple, people. Either you are or aren't. Not a citizen or legal resident? No voting, welfare, or anything else. You want to vote? Go back to your own country and if it's not as good as the U S of A, work to make it as good, or better. And to all you poor losers who want to run away...if things are so bad and you are so right, stay and convince the rest of the country that you are right. As the absentee ballots are being counted and the par is widening, you might want to rethink your position on the issues, and look for ways to work to make things better.
Another, admittedly minor irritation, has been some of the blogs I've visited. I admit that I am far from being an influential blogger, BUT, my thoughts are my own, not pasted reprints of other peoples. I also freely admit that I read a conservative newsletter every day, and am somewhat influenced by it, but I at least try to express MY views in MY words and not rehash anyone else's. It could be that I'm just being bitchy here, but there are a lot of people who just *glue* a whole article they agree with into their page and leave it at that.
Moving right along to Arafart; despite conflicting reports, it looks like he's pretty much gone and just the machines are keeping him going. There's lots of speculation that Souha is waiting for things to get sorted in the P.A. before she pulls the plug. I've read some interesting opinions as to what will happen next and most of them pretty much agree with me that we are a few more deaths away from a so called Palestinian leadership that will be able to do the right thing for their people. The old time PLO leaders have to die off so the moderate ones will be able to take over. It's not enough that Y. Arafart dies. We'll just have to wait and see, won't we?
I have half an hour until news, so I think I'll play around abit with the new browser, then go watch news, set clocks and cell phone for Dark Matters. I'm really looking forward to Dwight in the morning.

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