Thursday, November 04, 2004


....but guess who isn't? I'm taking things nice and slow as I know from experience that there really is *no* rest for the weary. Second thing this morning, as threatened, I got my hair cut. Pics to follow soonish. Then I went to Richard and Mara, who has some registered letter slips for me. Richard and I sorted Barak and cable so the payments will be made through their bank account, the I went to DoogiStyle to make an appointment to get Ragamuffin shampooed, then to the post office to get the registered letters which are at the OTHER post office. Rachamin called and the letters are from the phone company, so I went there, paid the bills, got an autopay form so that phone bill can be pais directly and we can forget about it. Whew. Then back to Richard to give him the form and find out when he can he pay me back. He had the cash on hand, and has already phoned to say the autopay form is signed and on it's way!
On my first swing by the coffee shop, Aaron Levine was there and he told me that Condoleeza Rice has already threatened Sharon about military action in Gaza. I asked him where he heard that and he wasn't sure of the source. To me it sounds like Dummycrat sour grapes and a bad attempt at spreading panic here. I have serious doubts about it. Nothing was said on the 17:00 news and I haven't checked the Hebrew press yet, but will soon. Aside from it just plain not sounding right, I doubt that she would have done something like that so soon.
Looks like Arafart is on his way out. Can't say I'm sad, but it *is* interesting that there is already speculation, or maybe just wishful thinking that any governing body after him will be more reasonable. We'll just have to wait until after the to find out, won't we? Ach. Falula Face is returning to politics so there'll be plenty for me to moan and groan about in the future. I truely detest him. Speaking of detestable people, I just called STL and he says he'll call later tonight and even though the dosh is on it's way, it won't be going to him. Gee, I wonder why? We'll see if he calls tonight. I'm not holding breath, but I have been polishing the Brooklyn Bridge just in case!
Enough for now. Time to post a pic of the haircut. I'll post the reat view tomorrow as I can't take a pic of it myself.

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