I love traveling, and just about any excuse to go out is good. It's even better when it's to meet an old friend.....even one I've actually never met in RL before. I will go just about anywhere in the world to meet a fellow/gal VAer. For those of you who don't know, the VA is the Virtual Asylum for A Team fans. One of the VAers from the States has been in Jerusalem for a conference, so of course, I went to see her. The report I just posted follows.
Middle East Wing Meeting-Nov.24 2004
A report 1/1
By: I Franne Golan
Warnings: None. It might seem like a total fabrication, but it’s not. This is a true to the facts report.
Disclaimers: All characters are real people, not fragments of my imagination, and are free to correct any mistakes.
Publisher: Purplegimp Publishing Ink
06:30 The alarm cell phone rang at Gimp House and an arm appeared from under the tousled covers to turn it off. A vision in purple (nightgown) struggled to sit up only to discover that her sandals were still wet from the previous night’s shower, but that Billy and Fred were perfectly dry. After a quick pit stop in the loo, a coffee, and 12 pills later, the gimp of purple was dressed in her favorite suit, and ready to go. The cab arrived just as she was pushing the wheelchair down the ramp, and the guard at the bus station let them in with no argument. The bus to Tiberius left on time, after a soldier slung the chair into the baggage compartment and arrived at Tiberius on time.
The bus to Jerusalem also left on time (a rare enough occurrence to warrant comment). This is a new route. The old one went through the Jordan Valley and took just over 3 hours from Tiberius to Jerusalem. The new one use a newly built road through the center of the country and cuts an hour and a half off the old time. Safely in the Jerusalem bus station, the gimp promptly got lost (happens every time), but finally found a short flight of stairs that lead to the street, and did the gimp butt slide down the stairs while yet another soldier took the chair down. (now you know why we have an army!) Just as the gimp was getting into the taxi to go to Wallygator’s hotel, the cell phone rang. It was WG calling to check on the gimp’s progress. Less than 10 minutes later the first meeting of the Middle East Wing of the VA was in session. Two very happy MCBA members dressed in purple,(see picture at VA site) were happily nattering away about many topics, which very soon had Mr. WG dozing off. WG gave the gimp lots of beautiful fridge magnets with pictures of Murdock (see picture of MCBA official fridge) A festive lunch was had by all (Mr. WG woke up for lunch) in an appropriately purple (upholstery, menus, etc.) restaurant at the hotel. Replete and happy WG and PG continued chattering and Mr. WG soon drifted off to dreamland once again. Suddenly it was almost 17:00 and time for the gimp to head out to the bus station, in order to be on time for the 17:30 bus back to Tiberius. After getting slightly lost, yet again (it’s a huge bus station) the gimp found her platform, a soldier, and was soon safely ensconced in her favorite front seat. In Afula, the town before Tiberius, the gimp made her first really stupid mistake of the day. There was a bus there going to Kiryat Shmonah and even though the driver offered to help her transfer,(it turned out that the driver knows the gimp’s daughter and son in law) she decided not to, as her left leg was too unsteady to get to, and on the other bus. She decided to continue to Tiberius and wait for the next bus to K.S. from there. Big mistake. The driver of the next bus was running a bit late and had no patience for a gimp. In the end heated words were exchanged and an official complaint sent to the bus company. In the end, the gimp arrived home, happy, tired and a bit sore, but mostly happy. While bringing the chair inside, Pegasus, the noble keeshond escaped and had to be captured and returned home with the help of Ragamuffin, the westie and a piece of steak. At 23:00 the gimp was happily in bed with both dogs safely at home. It was a wonderfull day. WG and PG had a fantastic visit and it was as if they were old friends, not two people meeting for the first time.
It really was fun and I felt like we had known each other forever! The only bad part was that idiot driver from Tiberius to Kiryat Shemonah, but he'll get his. He was talking most of the way with a cop, and managed to say several times how powerful his father is in the bus company. Well, so is my son in law's family and Guy told me exactly how and where to file the complaint. I will take a lot of crap from a lot of people, but not from 27 year old pisher of a bus driver. I had had 3 different drivers that day before that one and they were all most helpful with no connection to my *free ride pass* They just were. Then, this jerk. "if you can't get on, don't ride the bus" Excuuuuse me? I can get on easily enough if you pull the bus close enough to the platform, that's YOUR job. I haven't had a good fight with the bus company since 1999 when I took down the clown who was the driver I had the misfortune to run into on the way home from from the demonstration in Jerusalem. I learned a lot from that battle and put the knowledge to good use this time. His rudeness and attitude could well cost him up to and possibly more than 1000 hours of pay. The bus company is working very hard on it's image and my daughter doesn't like it when anyone is mean to her mother. Guy REALLY doesn't like it.......Let the fun and games begin.
I spent yesterday resting from the trip and composing the letter of complaint, so, didn't get to the blog. I went through my e mail at warp speed and deleted most of it. Of course it's raining today, so I'll be in, I guess, unless it lets up a bit. I really want to get today's local papers but, I don't want to get wet. I also have a bunch of stuff to mail. I got Teadrinker a present in Jerusalem. Something she mentioned that she wanted years ago. I saw one, and bought it, and now I'm having fun torturing her with it. She'll never guess what it is!
I woke up this morning at 06:30 (that'll teach me to not cancel the alarm on the cell phone) to no electricity. I called the power company to find out if it's them, or me. It was me, so I went out and flipped the breaker switch. It's irritating to say the least. I must get a lock for my meter box.
The guy from Homefront Command called on Monday and said they want to come on Wednesday to fix a few things in the *liberry* I told him I wouldn't be home, and asked him if the lunatics upstairs can build on *my* roof. A delegation is coming on Monday, and we'll sort that then. I'm pretty sure they can't and the more the they build, the more fun it will be to see it torn down. I can wait. There are several laws being broken and the mayor will most likely try to make it legal after the fact. He's going down hard if he does!
I had an interesting conversation with Irit. She says that as something can't be changed, why bother. My response was along the lines of, "Things will for sure not change if we don't try, but, might, if we do try therefore, I try." That pretty much explains why I often feel Don Qui........the windmill guy. The one time I really did get something changed, it got pretty much undone not long after. Does that mean I should stop trying? Not on your life.
Irit also informed me that her brother is coming over next month. My first reaction was to start planning a quick trip out of the country, but after a few minutes I decided that neither he, nor his bitch of a wife will run me out of my own home. He'd just better keep her away from me.
The talking heads are blathering on about a peace initiative from Assad of Syria, passed along by Larsen. Yeah, right. After the Europeans went a gave Iran what is essentially a green light on continuing their nuke program, Assad is trying to get attention off his control of Lebanon and focused on us. If only the Europeans had let the US continue without interference, Bush could have brought the Iranians, Syrians and other baddies to their knees at Khaddafi's side. They will do anything to make us look bad. The Europeans just never learn that appeasement is a bad idea and NEVER works. The rest of them can just ask the Dutch. They are beginning to see the light. Of course things will only get better here when the Mukata'a parking lot is full and paved with marble! I think I'll go out, rain or not.