Sunday, October 10, 2004


It must be fall and there's a low pressure system in the area. I've had a low pressure headache for 2 days now and they always make me nervous. In addition, my right leg is acting up again......every time I stand up there's a shooting pain from the top down the thigh and it buckles. Good thing I have my collection of wheelchairs. I quite like my new black one. It has solid tyres and is easier to propel than BBC. BBC's advantage is that he is completely take apartable! They both have advantages, it's just a matter of deciding which suits at the moment.
I was up bright and early; 04:50 and just in time for Dark Matters. It *was* worth getting up for even if nothing else got done today. At 08:00 when it was over, I went back to bed for more sleep, woke up at 12:25 for Charmed, accidentally figured out how to use the TV Guide feature on the remote-hey! I've only had digital cable since 2000! It's about time I figured it out! I finished the second half of the Kellerman double header and started the North Patterson, and that's about it except for the usual 3-4 calls from Teaddrinker, then my old pal The Kraut called. We're meeting at the mall for coffee tomorrow. She's bringing Aliza and I'm assuming that by now Aliza is calmer. If not, I can just turn around and leave. I do not need the agro along with the headache, leg pain and a very mild case of the squits.Something is not right with me. I think maybe I need a mood adjustment, but not much hope of that in the near future. I MUST remember to get on STL's case tomorrow. He should be out on the street by now. He says he promised the owner of the flat that he would leave right after the holidays.......wanna buy a bridge? I don't care, I want my money. I'm trying to figure out where I want to go and when. I'm pretty sure Moscow is out now, and it's time for someplace else. Maybe Maine? In winter with a wheelchair? Maybe. I'll just keep thinking and one day it will just come to me. Maybe in Kiri's direction? Nothing over there really appeals, but maybe. I wonder if she could stand a resorty type place? Ok, now, there's an idea. I'll write and ask her! I'd better get on......I have about 20 e mails to write. I'm so that I have a computer, after all the years Alice was after me to get one, and I don't write. Bad gimp, bad, bad.
Ok, I'll go write all those mails and then take my headache back to bed. It's going to be hot tomorrow-high pressure? So maybe no headache. I hope.

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