Thursday, October 28, 2004


Bye bye yasser
We'll be glad to you go
Bye bye Yasser
It's time for you to go.
It looks like he just might be on his way to the great terrorist camp in the sky. On the other hand, with him, you just never know. He's one head of state, (ok, head of an almost state who will not be missed by anyone other than his pals whose only protection was that Y. 'Arafart was running the show and driving the corruption train. If he does check out, we'll know soon enough if the so called Palestinians are smart enough to get their collective act together. I won't be betting on that. It should happen fairly soon, but according to news reports, he's already appointed his heirs and presumably given them their orders for the future. Waiting for him to pop his clogs is going to be as nerve wracking as waiting for the US election results. Will he leave, or stay? It seems we have given him permission to leave for treatment, but have yet to promise to let him return. Of course, if he doesn't leave, and croaks, it will be our fault. It might be better to let him leave and take the chance that he just might recover. I find it amusing that he is dragging in doctors from Jordan and Egypt, when the best doctors in the world are but 10 minutes away from him. Granted, it would bring stupidity to a whole new level if one of ours volunteered to treat him. If he were to check out while under the care of one of ours, it would be a matter of minutes until someone yelled murder. Yup, the best thing to do is to promise to let him return!
I have a knack for pissing people off. I don't know what I did, but Teadrinker has stopped talking to me, and I don't know why. So, either she'll get over it, or she won't. At least when I was pissed off at her, she knew why. I have no idea what this about.
Going into town this morning was an exercise in tolerance. It's shouk day and they are predicting rain for tomorrow, so I went to pick up a few things. The traffic at the round about was more insane that usual, but I finally made it there and back. On the way back, the road demolition crew told me that Shimshon was arrested last night so there should be peace a quiet until they let him out again. They picked him up for violating the conditions of his house arrest.


Anonymous said...

I don't belive there is anything wrong with "Arafart". The sneaky bugger used this trick so he could meet in secert with Osama, who by the way was seen entering a pawn shop with a broom wheel.

Purplegimp said...

It has run through my mind, but escaped said mind while writing posts that it is likely that Arafart(add a Y and say it with a proper Maine accent) used his "illness" as a cover to meet with people he can't meet with in Ramallah. I admit that I never thought specificaly about Osama, or a messenger. He *is* in France, after all. Yup, makes perfect sense.
I don't suppose you know where the pawnshop is?