Tuesday, October 05, 2004


I mailed my ballot today! Yeah, me! I voted FOR Bush, which in mind is as good as vote AGAINST Kerry. I giggle every time they ask on Fox if the debates will have any effect on who you vote for. Nope! Not a bit........already voted, with pride for Bush! I just can't see how anyone with half a functioning brain can even consider voting for Latrine Kerry. I pray all day and night that Bush gets elected. Please, Lord, don't let Kerry win. It might be a good lesson, but way too harsh even for all those idiot liberals. They don't deserve the consequences.

The cable guy is supposed to come by 17:00 to change the remote for the new TV's box. The remote went flying and crash landed. Not much left of it. I was using the other remote and got the channel stuck on 2. It will not move, not with the remote and not from the box. Am I talented, or what?
I am super pissed off at myself.......fell asleep and am probably back on Owl Night Time. Bad me. Bad, bad bad. I think it's time for a coffee. Must be awake when the techie gets here.
Oh, got lucky this week vis a vis Dark Matters. They reran an old show, so unless it's one I missed, it's no big deal that I missed it!Of course I would have missed it if I've been England, but I wasn't... How lucky is that? I won't miss the coming one.Also very pleased that the sudden death post posted in the correct order!

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