Thursday, October 07, 2004


Sometimes it feels like our holidays will never come to an end. This year they were all over weekends-Friday AND Saturday. This one was a Wednesday and Thursday and tomorrow is a 'bridge' for lots of people. Then all is back to the usual insanity on Monday, and no more holidays until Hannukah in December. School is out then but it's not one of the *not allowed to do anything* holidays so businesses and offices work pretty much as usual.
Can't say I got much done today.....the nature of holidays, no?......just e mails and listened to all my new CDs which was nice and read a bit. Tomorrow I have to go pay the butcher bill and pick up a few things. It's going to be a looooong Shabbat coming so soon after Simchat Torah, but at least I have the new books- Er,uh, I wrote that one was a James North Patterson-oops, it's not. It's Richard North Patterson. I should know better. The first few books of his that I read were in Hebrew, not English. I got them in English and reread them. From that little adventure, I learned to not read English writers in Hebrew and vice versa. I am going to reread Irit Linur's books.......yes, in Hebrew. I still remember the night I was reading her first book at work and got to laughing so hard I almost couldn't answer the phone. I rarely laugh out loud when reading, but there's something about 'designer zayin' (designer dick) that works in Hebrew but not in English. She indeed has a way with words and of course, I'm half in love with her husband, the country's number 1 military reporter, who stayed many times at the hotel where I worked. Ok, today is Thursday; Times Record day. Must go check in on the old home town!

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