Tuesday, March 01, 2005


It has been decreed that tomorrow is the big day, or should I say night? I am heartily sick and tired of virus announcements popping up when and as they will. Getting this computer was supposed to put an end to all that, but because of stupidity, it didn't. I didn't know then that transferring data directly off the old computer's hard drive would just put all the old crap right on the new one. Yes, I asked, but he said, it should be ok. Well, it wasn't ok, so now, we have to reformat. At least this time, I have a place to export all the important stuff to!
Teadrinker's Adult Genius arrived at the appointed time with a dead modem from the phone company, then had to go out and get a live one as well as the software for the web cam that didn't come with, as it should have. Latest update was that there are some mega troubles getting the modem to work. When/if he gets it working and has her e mail downloaded and configured for bezeqint, I'll be able to tell him where to access the info for bergadian.com!
I wasted a little time watching Fox today and found their commentary on Syria to be interesting. There's a lot of hopeful talk about how Assad just might have gone a little too far lately. It still pisses me off that absolutely no one made so much as a peep about Assad Srs take over of Lebanon until just recently. After all it happened long before Saddamn went into Kuwait and has continued unhindered since long after Saddamn was thrown out of Kuwait. It does kind of look like a domino effect is taking hold over here. Assad Jr. is, by all accounts most nervous about the possibility that Lebanon might strike a separate peace deal with us and that is just too much for his little pin shaped head to assimilate. The appeasers want to go slowly, when what is really needed is FULL SPEED AHEAD and get Lebanon back to the Lebanese. If Syria can be stopped, that will leave only Saudi Arabia, and Egypt(which is making appropriate whimpers) in line to dragged over to the good guys, which will leave the terrorists pretty much homeless.

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