Saturday, August 14, 2004


About the only thing I got done today was the e mail to STL's brother, and that's no small accomplishment. I'm still waiting for Mara to get her summary of their experience with him to me so I can post it at the web site. I'm on the verge of writing it myself as I know most of the details. There's not much sense in sending Brian's letter until Monday morning as it's a university addy and though he probably gets his mail at home too, I want to be sure, so it will go Monday noonish, unless......yeah, well. Other than that, I didn't do much of anything today except continue my perusal of mouths on TV, and plan grave(operative word) bodily harm to STL if he makes me miss going to England in October. It's either England or jail and right now the latter seems more likely! I alternate being ragingly pissed of at myself, then STL for this mess. I mean a rage like I've never been in before. Thanks to him, I haven't been able to get my ceiling fans installed, the a/c fixed (lucky for him the one in the 'liberry' keeps the house livable, but the other one does it better and I can't get it fixed unless I can pay. Of course the ceiling fans would be better as I wouldn't need the a/c as much and would save on the electric bill. I think I'll give him a call and see what the newest excuse is. They are getting a bit old, but......might as well.
I said "I'm glad I didn't wait up for you to call" He said " I didn't call because there's no money left on the card, I'm going out now to call you from a neighbor's" I said " yeah, yeah" He said "10 minutes" We shall see. His stories are deteriorating. His Edith scam went nowhere, he got told to go to hell by Rabbi Isaacs and the guy in Hatzor he's trying to scam supposedly had the cash he thought he was going to get grabbed by the guy's wife. He also talked about two doctors who were going to give him some money, but backed out at the last minute.
Ok, just had a nice scream up at him and threw out the fact that an e mail to Brian is ready to go. His reaction was he won't get it 'cause he's not there. So what? It'll get to him eventually. He thinks I'll wait for ever. I had another of my super bitch moments when I told him that his health is better than mine and I'm sick of his whining and why doesn't he just get on with it and check out?! He just called back to tell me that the chances of my having Brian's correct mail addy are slim and that they don't get along anyway. He misses the point. I guess that rattled him. I hung up on him after telling him that I KNOW I have the right addy and if he knows what's good for him he'll get me the money fast. Crash. Next time he starts jerking me around I'll throw out the fact that I have his mother's phone number and address in Bangor and friends there. I'll let him connect the dots.

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