Monday, April 18, 2005


I've had it with my present wheelchair situation, and the idiot quack that refuses to his job! I just finished typing a very nasty letter of complaint to The Powers That Be about him, in the hope that it might light a fire under his lazy butt. The jerk refuses to send the people who have to fill our forms that have to be sent to the Health Ministry, where THEY-the Health Ministry- NOT HIM decide if I need an electric chair or not. It seems that he's basing his refusal on a home visit 6 years ago, and just can not conceive of a situation that was then, changing. It is part of his job to visit me here at the new Gimp House, new in 2002. I've been arguing with him about it since them. Not only has my home changed, my physical condition has as well and I have the *glow in the dark* scan to prove it. This is just insane. It's not like they have to pay for the chair! He acts like it will come out of his personal pocket. I wish. I'd have had him court long before now. I'm going out in a few minutes to mail the letter. Tomorrow I'll leave a copy at the office here and suggest that they fax it to the district office. Using a wheelchair of any kind is not what I'd classify as fun, but there's a problem when the one you use causes more damage because of the use. So, off I go to mail it to his bosses and all the 'crip help' groups AND the Minister of Health.

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