Sunday, September 19, 2004

Ok *NOW* I'm Scared

I've been around enough to be scared when things go right! Got up this morning at 05:40 after about 2 1/2 hours of sleep. Checked AVG, connected, and brought up Reality Radio to listen to Dark Matters. WMP is back there as an option, and scarily, it came up and conected with no problems. It even worked for the whole program. We are talking about the first program in this, our new year. During normal times having things go right is frightening enough. At this time of year, it's down right terrifying!
I called STL and insulted him by stating that he couldn't tell the truth to save his life. He announced that he sent 1100, gave me the number, then added that he didn't call because he collapsed out side the post office and got hauled off to the reair shop. He says there'll be more in a few days..........and pigs will fly. As soon as the dogs have been out for half an hour, I'm off to collect it and I just might pay cash for that TV. It works out the same if I pay cash or use the credit card. Cash solves the problem of having the sale reported to the TV licensing people. Yup, cash! That's $ 220 for a 25" TV! Too good a deal to pass up.
I was up half to three quarters of the night working on that poster/flyer and got it done at 09:45, but when I attached it to the e mail, it got all screwed up. Pictures and text in the wrong places. Must investigate later. I think the whole thing is pretty much crap but sent it anyway. On the up side, I learned a lot about that prog and after ironing out a bug or infestation thereof, just might get to get to like it!

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