Friday, September 10, 2004


Would someone please explain how it is that I love Kiryat Shmonah, and the people who live here, with a couple of notable exceptions, but detest the drivers in town? I know on some level that the drivers are also the very same people I adore, but something bad happens when they get into a car on the driver's side. It really is beyond my comprehension.
I've been having quiet hysterics since I saw the news. It seems
Arafart slapped Abu Alah in the face today! I've thought for a while now, that he's losing it. Things in this part of the world have gone from lunatic to demented.
The U.S.'s taking on Iraq caused Khaddaffi to yell Uncle (Sam) and cave in. Iran and Syria have done exactly the opposite and are in effect daring someone, anyone to stop them.And just to keep us all confused, after the horror of what just happened in Russia, Putin, that well known lover of peace has threatened to anihilate Chechnya while at the same time helping Iran with it's Atomic program. How much more insane do things have to get before someone up there figures it out?
Today was just one of those days when all the absurdities seemed to hit me at once.
I'm also in a rage at our government at all levels. Local and national. We are supposed to be good law abiding citizens and sit quietly by while the government blatently violates it's own laws. City employees haven't gotten salaries for the last 3-4 months. They are however expected to pay property taxes, water, sewer, etc. bills on time. It's just too insane for words. I think it's time for me to give my muddled brain a rest and go do something less taxing than trying to figure out the ways of the world. An nice argument with a graphics prog actually looks like fun right now.

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