Sunday, May 30, 2004

One of those days..........

Woohoo, got one whole hour of sleep and then it was time to get up for DM. I used the show to get all the bits and pieces of the baby minidigicam ready to be mailed to Val. Almost forgot the tripod, but in the end, not only remembered it, but found it first hunt. The minute the show was over, the phone rang. Bat Chen wanting me to explain chromosomes to her, and she knew I was up late with bug bite. At least she asked about that first, then about chromosomes. I did something no one has ever dared do to her before. I yelled at her;something to the effect that with only 1 hours sleep, a hurty foot and feeling the pressure to get out and do important stuff, I'm really not up to explaining the whole thing to her. She should have listened when she was in high school! "I'm just not up to now", I hollered. And lived to tell the tale. Why oh why didn't she bother with English in school? Not that it matters, she didn't and as one of two English speakers who still talk to her, I'm the elected explainer. [sigh] Got her off the line, got dressed, took my meds {forgot to yesterday, didn't I? And off to town we went, Harley and I. Got the Western Union sent and the camera, then decided to go straight home and have a nap,[and maybe a quick IM, but too late for that, damn it] and wait for the a/c for the new room. It has yet to show up, but Shula the brainless did and I had my second round of fun. I've called her brainless to her face and swear Ragamuffin, who if she had brain, would be stupid is far brighter than Shula the brainless. She has to come by once a year to see if I'm still alive and living here alone. To do with subsisdized rent rates. I showed her the sink for the 10th time, the gap between the sink and counter that sprays water all over. For the 10th time she said it will be fixed by the end of the week! I told her that I want to take advantage of her experience working for a brainless organization and ran the door width issue by her! She clucked a bit and as I suspected that blatent insult soarded right over her head! I was quite pleased with myself, and had a good giggle with Teadrinker over it. My head is feeling all fuzzy but should clear with this coffee. The problem is that I'll most likely be up all night. All it takes is half an hour kip in the day and I'm back on Standard Golan night savings time for weeks! Why can't the world be awake at night? I'm going to have to do all the things i didn't get done today tomorrow in a mental fog, but what's news with that? Oi, I can't believe he read the garbage from yesterday and thought it was a compliment. The man needs help. I should know. The bitch of it is that I've only ever able to sort my head by writing.[sigh] He *is* adorable. [bigger sigh] Oh, just shut up and call Fanny to come do the floors!

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