Monday, October 01, 2007


As usual, I got up this morning and my first two steps were accompanied by the usual excruciating pain. I got to the clinic in good time and after fighting off three Russian b*tches,(we'll talk about socialized medicine another time) was second into a substitute doctor, who had to make three phone calls to find out what he had to write on the presciption. *I* of course am not a reliable source. In the end I rode out triumphantly and got the stuff at the pharmacy downstairs. Striar, bless his cotton socks, was waiting for me at a bus stop on the way. I duly picked him up, and we got to the clinic near Haifa in good time. There was an old Peugeot clunker in the only wheely space parked so crookedly that he blocked the space next to it as well. No cripple card either. So I just parked next to a 10 year old rice burner. Striar had to bring the wheely parts over to me so I could put it together. The Russian (what else?) owner of the rice burner came over and started going on about a mark on his car that he accused me of causing on his car. I reached over and wiped it off with a wet finger and said that if he wanted a big red mark on his body, I'd be most happy to oblige. A 10 year old rice burner and he acts like it's a Rolls Royce.
Right, in we go, and all the nice people waiting there started the usual blathering about who's next. The doc comes out and asks for my card and the shot stuff. I gave them to him and he came out again and said the nurse would call me into her room. There was a bit of confusion for a minute. He thought the problem was my foot. The word in Hebrew for foot and leg are the same if you don't use a qualifing term. But we has been speaking English and I said leg. Once that confusion was settled, he found a spot on on my right upper thigh and shot me. He is good. Before the needle was out the pain was gone. He rubbed the spot a bit, but forgot to suggest that I walk a few steps to let the stuff spread around. Right. Back in the car, and by the time we were half way home, the pain was back with a vengeance. I was making all kinds of plans for a new course of action. As we had to go up to Safad anyway, Striar asked if we could go by his post office box. It hurts any way so 5 extra minutes won't matter.
As it takes a couple of minutes of standing and bending to get the wheely unchained from the post, the stuff must have moved around. By the time I got in the house the pain was rapidly dissipating. And now it's all gone except for a very little bit of soreness at the site of the jab.
Oh my G-d. The joy of no pain is amazing. I've done a fair bit of joyful crying in gratitude for the gone but not forgotten pain. I also feel incredible stupid for not realizing that the pain I felt driving was from not not moving around enough beforehand. Next time I'll know. The new pain free me was tested in bed too and I had a nap. Gee, I wonder why I fell asleep so easily. Constant bad pain sort of means that even when you sleep, it's not proper rest. The body has to work so hard to continue functioning through the hurt that getting enough rest to make up for it is impossible. So, early to bed tonight for the gimp.
I can't wait for tomorrow. NO PAIN. Thank you G-d and Doc. I am well and truly blessed.


Anonymous said...

ALL RIGHT!!!!!!!!!! Now that's what I wanted to hear! I'm so glad for can we sort my pains?

Purplegimp said...

I already told you. Just get yourself over here and my dentist and orthodoc will get you all fixed up.

I'm getting this Murdockian grin through tears of joy down pretty well.

I wore the T shirt Jags made for me and the doc loved it!

Anonymous said...

*giggle* :D
Did you tell him which one was you?


Purplegimp said...

Of course I did! He loves my wheelbroom!