Friday, October 19, 2007


Right! Dem Der Maniac's phone is safely installed in his room. It was working just just fine when Installer Guy left, as was mine. When I went in to put it on follow me to his mobile there was no line, and there was also none on my phone next to the computer, so we called and they sent fix it guy to sort it. There's still something wrong with mine, and I think it's the phone itself. The one next to my bed is fine. All that means is that I'll have to find another phone for next to the computer. I like the phone because it has a headset that lets me have both hands free. I like that for two reasons. The first is that it's really hard for me to hold the receiver to my ear and the second is that I can continue typing while on the phone. I'll figure it out next week sometime.
I rained last night and poor New Harley Too got all wet because his shack is full of Dem Der Mainiac's stuff.
I'm going to have to deal with washing the floor later today. It's gone past a state that even I can stand. I am so not looking forward to that. I'm not even thinking about doing it without the wheely, and trying to figure out exactly how to do it from the wheely has been occupying my mind for the last 24 hours. It will be interesting to say the least.
It's Friday and a short day. All I have to do in town is pick up the local papers, come home and start cleaning up the disaster area that is Gimp House. Once that is done, I'll be able to catch up on my other two blogs.

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