Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Poor old Striar. It's not like he doesn't have enough problems as things are, now he'll most likely be moving with me.
Back when he was having all those problems with his landlady and was on the verge of being evicted, an old girl friend helped him rent an apartment there was no way he could continue paying rent on himself. Yes, it was very nice of her to help him, but, she really should have paid for a whole year up front. As it is she's left him to his own devices. Ok, she doesn't OWE him anything, but if you are going to help someone, do it right. He is so far behind in his rent that he really has to get out. Things took an ugly turn yesterday with the landlord threatening to go and physically throw him out. Never mind that it's illegal to do that, illegal never stopped anyone in this country.
So, it's Gimp Girl to the rescue! There is no earthly reason for him not to move into the back room. If we do that he should be able to save a little money and pay off some of his smaller debts while waiting for the apartment he will eventually get from the Housing Authority.
The plan now is to a scarper by Sunday. I'm going to try and round up someone with a pick up and big muscles to help do the physical move. I have a few ideas there. Today all I have to do is get my flu jab, stop in at my insurance guy, and the butcher (today is fresh meat day), talk to a few people, including my son's father in law. He just might be able to get Harley Too put back together well enough for Striar use for a while. The guy has magic hands.
Having Striar here would be good for me too. I don't intend to turn him a slave, but there are so many things I can't do that he can that it will be a big help.
And what the hell are friends for? We are both getting a good laugh from the whole thing. Considering what went on between us just a few short years ago, here I am offering to save him rather than looking for ways to make his life even more miserable!
There are so few Mainers here that it's like he's family!

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