Tuesday, December 04, 2007


I really must memorize the following items. They are very important to survival in the world of Gimpdom.

Rule 1 Come to a complete stop.

Rule 2 Take a deep breath

Rule 3 engage first gear, slowly release the clutch.

Rule 4 Speak only after thriple checking that information that is to be announced is accurrate, then, check again.

What brought on this rule list? I think I'll go with the " I was distracted by Peg's vet when the hospital called and heard the wrong date! The rotorooter is scheduled for Jan 7 which most likely is someone elses birthday. I've done it before so really would have been upset had I arrived at hospital a full month early. That would have been one long wait in the waiting room.
I should probably work up rules on the state of my reading glasses. I put on the bedroom pair to read a label, then came to the computer with them still on and almost came to conclusion that I was having a stroke on the other side or was rapidly going blind. Everything on the monitor was blurry. Then I looked down and THERE WERE MY COMPUTER GLASSES. Duhn.
A new set of self tips for going out to New Harley Too in the winter might also be a good idea. The first time I went out I had poncho, hat of many colors, glasses and a towel. I had just gotten NHT all disconnected and was ready to go when I realized that I'd left my bag of holding inside. I lurched back in, put the towel down, hoiked the bag of holding off it's hook, went back out and sat in an ocean sized puddle on NHT's seat. Not being in any kind of shape to go back in yet again and change, I just went as I was. it's not like I had to get up and walk or anything. It will all dry out sometime, right? I can slow down as the rotorooter is a month away. I did get Peg's pills,(my GP had already left for the day and the other one; the jerk, refused to give the same scrit in my name. I went to our pharmacy to ask how much they cost without a scrit and the druggist asked why 'that' doctor refused, I just shook my and said yeah, all he'd have to do to make it legal was to make a notation that I'm a bitch. I think he's still laughing, but he did figure out a way to do it!) my new checks and a couple of steaks. The last ones I got at the butcher where just not as good as the ones from the time before that. All in all it was an ok morning. Even the rain held off until I got home. Not that it mattered. I was alrady wet!

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