Sunday, December 23, 2007


How quickly a new reality can make us forget lessons we've already learned the hard way. New Harley Too's front tyre seemed low on air on Friday, so I took him to the tyre doctor for some air. I really should have known better and gotten the tyre changed. That is what I would have done without even thinking about it with Harley Too.
This morning, after getting ready and making sure I had everything I needed, I went out only to find NHT's tyre flat. Flat as in pancake flat. I somehow managed to fight him down off the ramp onto the path between the buildings, and called the tyre doc who promised to come as soon as they could(I called at 1055). Knowing that the day was basically shot, I settled onto the nice comfy seat with a book to wait. Orna came by with coffee for us and we visited for a bit. She went off to do stuff and I hust sat and read. One bright bulb walking by informed me that I had a flat.Like I hadn't figured that out all by myself 2 hours previously. On and on I read until they finally got here and fixed it at 0515 or so. As the day was shot, I just drove NHT back up on the ramp and will try again tomorrow. I think it's safe to say that next time the font tyre is low on air I'll skip the putting air in bit and just have them change. I am so glad that rear tyres are solid and can not lose air!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I just "love" it when someone points out the obvious. Flat tire. Of course you didn't notice yourself. Duh. What's up with these people.

I recall my mother used to point out to me when I had a pimple on my face. Yeah, like I didn't "notice" I had a pimple. Geesh.

Purplegimp said...

Please don't hate me for this, but I never had a pimple so my mom couldn't have pointed one out. but the analogy is good.

A flat front tyre is not exactly something I could have missed. Um, my legs don't work, but I can see the tyre right in front of my eyes.
The ones I really love are those who tell me I have a flat on a rear tyre because they are solid and don't need air. I usually tell those bright bulbs that they have a flat in their brains.