Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Stupid is as stupid does. I managed to forget that I have a nice amount of cash set aside for a specific purpose. Then my favorite assistant manager suggested that I use it to but a New Harley Too. So, I'm going to loan myself my own money and buy a new Harley! As all of my commitments to the flower store end this month and after the New Year holidays, Lavana will be able to reimburse me for the utilities I paid because I hold the lease, things will settle down in my account and all will be well! I ran the whole thing by the bank this morning and got the Ok to go ahead.
I'm not letting City Hall off the hook either. Everything is all set to sue them. Pictures of Harley Too lying broken on my ramp ad of all the bruises from the handle bars collapsing and trapping me under them. It might take a while, but I will get to pay. Harley Too replaced Harley Ben David for the exact same reason except the whole thing didn't collapse on me while I was on him! So, either tomorrow, or the next day they're bringing me one to use until mine is ready! And then, I'll have a brand New Harley Too. So, all is well there, thank the good Lord.
This whole car/wheely nonsense is really too much for me. But it soon will be over.

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