Saturday, September 15, 2007


I've been stabbed in the back for the last time-until the next time. My inability to say "No" to "friends" must be some kind of personality defect. My first instinct is always find a way to help. It's getting tiring that every time I do, it's thrown back at me in a most hurtful way.
I've been turning the last two fiascoes over over and over in my mind since Wednesday when Lavana shoved the knife in hard then twisted it. She organized a full family deception then when I called her on it, just turned her back and said "So be it" to my "this will not end happily." I'm not going into details on either incident.
The second was yesterday and came from a completely unexpected direction. Just let her call again for help. And she will when/if she realizes that she was just plain ungrateful. I'm actually glad that I only left a message for my insurance guy to change the policy to Shabbat driving. After yesterday's "Thank you" I won't be going back there on Shabbat or any other day.
I don't expect effusive thanks or a medal. On the other hand, I also don't expect a tirade with a list of transgressions that include three lousy cups left in places other than the kitchen, a bed that smells of cigarettes because I slept ON it. Hey, News Flash! I smoke, but I did not smoke in the bedroom. Ever so sorry if I reek. If that carton of fags is beyond you, so were the two I mailed to you way back when. I figure we're even on that. There was also the inconsequential fact that I wasn't able to get them myself for the simple reason that I was there helping you. And while we're at it, my arms and shoulders and right leg are still hurting from all the rolly rolly up and down and around.
Oh, well, live and learn.
At least I have some leverage with Lavana. She loses electricity and water tomorrow unless she pays up. Even *I*, the local punching bag have limits.
And she wonders why her business is failing. I don't any more. She brings it all on herself.
I'm just glad it's over with all of them.
The one bright spot over the long holiday was a phone call from my son, and some new pictures of the baby. He's such a sweety, and the baby is so cute.
Now, if Peppermint could just get herself back on line. Is Kentucky in the dark ages? How long does it take to get the interweb up and running there?
Orna was just here and cleaned up. There were only two unused plates left so she got here in the nick of time.
Not that I feel much like eating. The food poisoning I gave myself with that fish is just about over, but I still don't much feel like eating. I'm still a bit weak from it, so I think I'll put the laundry in the drier and go read for a bit.
So, screw off the pair of you.

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