Here he is in all his brand new glory! New Harley Too arrived today well before 1100, and he's great! Just look for yourself.
I'm not quite sure what did the trick, because when we spoke yesterday I understood that Larry was bringing a loaner until mine was ready. It really doesn't matter because HE'S HERE. Just as I posted this morning there was a bang on my door and it was well before 1100. There was Larry! As the company is suspicious in the extreme of checks, we decided to go to the bank in his van so my asst. manager could tell him in person that the check is ok. After she did that we came back to Gimp House and he took NHT out so I could test ride him. Larry made a comment to the effect that my asst. manager obviously likes me. Well, yeah, she does. It also made no small impression that several other bank employees greeted me by name. Not many Israelis are on such good terms with their bank and especially not those who were so recently in as much trouble as I was! Very few have the good sense to go the management, tell them they have a problem, ask how to solve it, then do exactly what the bank suggests! My 'know it all' neighbor arrived just as we were getting NHT in position for me to get on and just had to butt in and try to show off how much he doesn't know about scooters. Being a typical male Israeli he had to ask how much I paid. There are few things I hate more than that. "Israeli, get thyself the hell out of my bank account!" Larry, bless his little cotton socks, told him the list price which was much more than I paid. Then, he starting telling me what I should do with poor broken Harley Too who is sitting forlornly on my ramp. There he will stay until things are moving along with the Health Ministry for my electric chair. He also suggested that I organize all the scooter owners to sue City Hall for the damage caused by the streets. He was told to organize them himself as I'm suing them anyway.
After Larry left, I changed back into a dress and headed for town to get the local papers and a few other things. NHT is a joy, adjustable arm chair seat and shock absorbers on the front fork. And he's fast. The handlebars are adjustable too and we'll have to play with it a bit as they aren't quite right. As I was going in the house, the guy from upstairs was just going in too, so he stopped to say "mabruck" Congratulations in Arabic/Moroccan. It was obvious that what I'd paid had already reached him. Little does he know that he was well and truly taken to the cleaners on his! He was more than a little shocked that I got mine in less than a week and he had to wait almost a month. Chuffed? Who me? Damn right! And now I'll be able to race all over town on New Harley Too, and G-d help the next jack *ss who asks me why I don't have a canopy on it.
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