Saturday, September 08, 2007


It wasn't that long ago that I thought the hospital in Safad was the very worst of many bad hospitals. Then, last night I found one that is without a doubt even worse. No contest. It's so bad that I have retracted every bad thing I've ever said or even thought about the one in Safad. Yes, it is that bad and most likely even worse than I think.
How did I come across this disturbing information, you ask. Quite honestly, I reply. I had just settled in at my computer at home to do whatever it is we all do at computers when the phone rang. It was Teadrinker calling to say that she had to go to hospital NOW and she was calling an ambulance. She sounded so awful that I told her I'd be on my way in 10 or so minutes, and I don't drive on Shabbat. As it was after 2200 (10pm) that she called, I took Peg walkies on NHT, threw a few things into a bag and headed out. As it was so late I decided to call Orna in the morning. After an hour on the road, just before Afula, I called Teadrinker to find out what was going on. She was trying to hold out until I got there. Somehow she landed herself on the floor after a particularly violent bout of vomiting. She was told that if she didn't call for an ambulance now, it would be done for her! She was all concerned about giving me the keys to her house. So, I told her that I'd just go straight to the hospital. This I did and I found her right away, pushed into a far dark corner of the ER with a supply of bin liners to barf into.She was being blatently ignored for the crime of spewing on their floor. They did put in a vent for an IV in the crook of her elbow, but no IV. She was abandoned in that corner for over an hour until I got there. Then, the fun started. The Friday night staff was all Russians. Not that I have anything against Russians. I just hate them. Not a one of them understood a word of English and that is supposed to be a requirement to getting a license to work in any hospital. When I got there and asked one of the nurses where she was I was asked who I am for her. Reply, just the person from Kiryat Shomnah who got in her car and drove for 3 hours to make sure she's alright. Go ask her! And then, I found her in the farthest corner, surrounded by barf in bin liners and in desperate need of a bed pan. On my way to loo I suggested that they should get her bed pan PDQ unless they want to add cleaning urine to cleaning 'sick'. At least they did that. One of the nurses asked me why she's in a wheely. "Because she can't walk" Why can't she walk? "because she's a cripple" Why is she a cripple?" "because she can't walk" And on and on. I suggested that she might want to ask the patient. Turns out they did but, decided she was delusional. Oh, boy. Let the fun and games begin.
Turns out they understood English well enough after I asked Teadrinker rather loudly if she wanted to check out AMA and go to a real hospital. Ten minutes barely passed before an orderly of the Russian persuasion arrived to move her to a ward, still without the IV bag, just the vent. Fool asked whose wheely that was next to her bed. I just looked him, then, when he asked again, said," I'm sitting on mine, she's in a bed. I'd hoped you could figure it out for yourself!" He got mouthy and I joyfully informed him that I like nothing better than taking on incompetents!
At around 0230 I headed out to her house which is on a religious Moshav that rarely sees traffic on Shabbat. Being the polite considerate person I am, I drove to the rear entrance, and came in the back way. I let her little dog out for a few minutes, then collapsed on her bed at around 0330 and slept until just after 0800, let the dog out, organized coffee and called Orna to ask her to be sure Danny takes care of Peg. Then, I called Teadrinker who sounded much better. They think she might have some kind of acute pancreatic infection. My money is on dehydration or heat stroke. She sounds so much better after 4 bags of IV stuff. They are insisting on keeping her until she can keep real water and food down. That could be days. I'm going to see her tonight, go home (need more meds) then, coming back tomorrow. That hospital is for the birds. And it will not go by quietly. Thy ER staff wrote that gave her an IV. They did not. The put in a vent, but never connected it to anything. That's illegal. Even here falsifying hospital charts is a no no.
So, here I am on a religious Moshav with only 3 fans and no a/c, with a bewildered dog for company.


Anonymous said...

I hope she is feeling better soon, and now you have several new targets to take all of your frustrations out on.

Purplegimp said...

Thanks. I was so scared when I saw her last night. I've seem corpses that look more alive. But now that she's had a few bags of saline dripped in, she's sounding much stronger.
Oh, I am going to have so much fun going after those idiots. She did ask me not to as she might need them again. Yeah, and if they are still there when I'm done with them they will treat her like a queen!