Saturday, September 29, 2007


I really don't know who suffered more when Orna got that job at the hotel, her or me. Other than just missing having her around Gimp House was a mess. Poor thing just didn't have the strength to deal with my disaster area after a full 8 hours of chambermaiding in an Israeli hotel. Can't say that I blame her one little bit.
She's gone and found herself a new job with normal hours, holidays and Shabbat off. It is shift work, but every other week she switches from morning to evening (no nights) and that means that we'll be able to do stuff and go places together. Just like the 'good old days, almost) The best part of her new job is that it isn't labor intensive physically, so she won't be wiped out after 8 hours. I'm happy not just for me, but for her as well.

I had some very nasty chest pains last night, but I'm pretty sure it was just anxiety. I always get a little (ok, more than a little) stressed when things sort themselves. It's getting so close to the end of the financial nightmare I made for myself that pains somwhere are only to expected. Nothing new there.

I am going to have find a good vascular surgeon soonish. The one I used to go to doesn't work with my health plan any more and I haven't had a check up since he left 3 years ago. I suspect that the other carotid artery is getting pretty much blocked off and it's time to get it checked. I'll start working on finding a good doc for that next week. Even before I get my right leg shot. That is almost more important that anything else. I truly dread getting out of bed in the morning, but after the first 5 or so minutes that pain goes from excrutiating to a dull roar.
I just spoke with Etty about our trip tomorrow. It seems that Yaacov is in a foul mood and is being obstreperous about just about everything. Yesterday he had trouble climbing the stairs home. Now THAT I can identify with. I'm a bit nervous about taking him out because I can't excatly help him up the stairs myself! I did tell Etty that I want to go towards evening to avoid the heat in Tiberius. That leaves me plenty of time to get a chain and lock for the wheely, so that I'll be able to use to get the car and leave there for when I get home. I'm not going to use the chain and lock to leave New Harley Too out there because the chain would be too easy to cut and the wheely I'd leave out there just isn't worth expending any effort to steal.

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