Thursday, September 06, 2007


I can not for the life of me understand how a company can risk losing a cash sale for 16,000 shekels because they are having a 'fun' day for their employees. There is one other place to buy scooters from and I have a pretty good connection there. I was giving my usual company the chance to make the sale because they are more convenient. The sales agent and I agreed that they would get one up here for me to use until the new one was ready. When I talked to him he actually had the nerve to tell me that guy upstairs waited 2 weeks for his. That's just fine. They guy upstairs can walk. I can't. And they know it.
Yesterday was the last straw. I had to go sign a form to get the jeep's security system out of my name and off my credit card, then decided to pick up this months meds as long as I was out. I almost passed out in the car park while putting the wheely together but managed the two steps to the car for a rest before continuing. Never mind all the rolling around the mall that left me with chest pains. When I finally finished there, 2 soldiers who were walking by very kindly helped me get the wheely back in the car. I don't even remember walking back to the house after the customary fight with the person who was parked in half of my space. I was blind with pain at that point. Still am, come to that.
Then, I found that a very dear friend I talk with at least twice a day on IM will be off line for about a week. It will be for the most wonderful reason imaginable and I am wildly happy for her, but I will miss talking to her until she gets back. She's one of the few people who actually gets the whole pain thing and I feel comfortable whinging at.
THEN, just before going to bed I stumbled across some very sad information about an actor I new quite well from his days at what is now the Maine State Music Theater. His wife and I were good buddies back then. He died in 1992. That's just sad. He was only 50. That pretty much explains why it was so hard to find him. It disturbs me that so many talented people die young, and he was talented.
Enough moaning and groaning for now. I must organize myself a scooter. And this time I'm taking no prisoners! Afikim, you have been warned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like you ahve had an awful few days. If you really want someone to chat with, I would be happy to stand in for Peppermint. I am quite excited about her surprise. I have a few ideas and I wonder if any will be right:) You can email me at my "eagle address" if you want to chat! Chin up, now...:)