Friday, January 27, 2006


Last Monday I went to the local household goods shop on Harley Too and bought two more 20 liter jerry cans and the owner's son told me about a new, new immigrant from the States, so I gave him, the son my phone numbers and told him to give them to the new guy. He did, and sure enough, the new guy called. We had a long chat and he just kept on asking me all kinds of questions and I barely got one in sideways. I told him that if he wanted help with his Hebrew to come on over, and he did, the very next day, Wednesday. Gulp. I'm still in shock that there is actually another American Republican here and that we are pretty much on the same page in other things too. He brought me book that explains things I know, which is good. Knowing these things is nice, but having them explained in depth is even nicer. If you want to know where things went wrong and why, get Martin Gross's The End Of Sanity and READ IT. Ok, Gimpy, just sit back and see where this goes, if anywhere.(Did I mention that he's quite attractive? GULP)
Something else very odd is happening, as well. As expected, I backed myself into a very bad corner at the bank. I am not sorry I helped Orna and lent Bat Chen that money, but it has left me way short for England and I'm trying to find a way to get my greedy hands on 2 or 3 thousand until the estate pays up. Whenever I'm in this kind of a bind, my eczema goes wild, but it's well and truly no where to be seen or even itched. How strange is that? Could it mean that there will be a last minute save? I'm just not used to exzema not being there when I have money issues like this. I *do* have an idea or two, but have to wait to see how much goes in my account on Sunday. One way or another, I have to find some cash, clear up the credit card, and leave enough in the bank to get through the month. Why do I do this to myself every time?
Speaking of the estate, I spoke to the lawyer and he pretty much confirmed what I thought. Something is very suspicious there, but it will take a lot of time to find out, and it's best to just wait and let The Step Person of Evility pay out the first part, then, go after her. According to him, she could pay it out any day now, or wait for the year to be up. I really should call the ex to find out if Aron knows anything, but I'm lazy. Maybe, I'll just call him today.
Orna and I are going to Bat Chen's on Sunday. I'm looking forward to it. I do love driving. The plan is to sort the rest of our plan, and while we are doing that, Orna will do a quick clean, and when Bat Chen and I finish, I'll have a kip, then, we'll come home. Petach Tikva and back on the same day is just too much without a rest.
I got vocal GPS put in my Motorola cell phone, so, this time, I should get there ok! The good thing about it is that it starts giving directions from where you are when you ask, so, if I don't miss that turn, I won't need to call until we are almost there, and Orna will be the navigator.
Orly is home with the new baby and I think I'll take advantage of the break in the rain and take them their gifts, then, get caught up on a few things here. The computer is running just fine with HP at the moment, so I might as well put the addy books back, and try to figure out what's wrong with Thunderbird before I get my server's spam filter!


Anonymous said...

When are you heading over here?? Sort of kinda lost track .. *g*


Purplegimp said...

I'll be there on the 10th and then, off to Wales, then, up your way. Things are so insane here right now that I'm not home enough to keep up with email, but I WILL send you one as soon as I get back from errands. I'm not stopping today until I'm 100% caught up.