Friday, January 13, 2006


Our meteorologists really should look up the definition of the word storm, or maybe *I* should readjust mine. Two whole rumbles of thunder does not a storm make! Ok, so it was cold and rainy most of yesterday, and I didn't go out. Today the sun has actually been out a bit, and because it's not a good idea to try to charge Harley Too while it's raining, he's pretty much out of power. Taking the car is not on as I can't exactly drive it into the places I want to go, and I for sure can't walk anywhere from a parking lot. That leaves me pretty much stuck in the house. I *do* need more kerosene, but I'm not about to start struggling with a 20 liter jerry can trying to get it out of the car with it full up. I'm leaning towards turning on the a/c for heat later. They say the so called storm is supposed to get stronger later today. We'll see. Pretty sad that's the major thing right now, isn't it?

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