I've been wanting to post this picture of Kiri Four Wheels ever since I took it, but, never dreamed that Blogger would finally add a way to upload pics from the computer. Picassa was a nice idea, but gave me no end of problems. This is easier and I can skip the whole Picassa thing!
So, Here she is, i all her red glory! Kiri Four Wheels. Isn't she red? There *is* a purple spiky ball on the dashboard as per Cab/Kiri Two Legs instructions! I use it to prop up the gimp parking card while parked. Other wise it just bounced around. I think I'll get another one for the rear shelf. Speaking of Cab/Kiri Two Legs; shouldn't she be back in Indo by now? I'll text her a bit later.
I'm still waiting for the storm that just doesn't quite get here. It was so cold inside that I decided to run the a/c which promptly shorted the electrickery. Grrrr. I'll have to get someone in to look at it. The problem being, that as usual, I'm cash poor, and desperately want to hang on to the bit of cash I still have. I'd rather use the cash for kerosene, and wait to fix the a/c. Of course I can always drag one of my two 'lectrickery heaters out of the spare room and use that, but it sort of defeats the whole purpose, doesn't it? Today is going to be a long, cold, boring, Saturday, unless I get my butt in gear and start doing some of the things I've been putting off. Yes! I will! No use putting things off any longer.
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