Monday, July 23, 2007


With any luck, I'll know what (if anything) is going to be done about my hip later today. Something is diabolically wrong there. But, before that, I have to go to the bank, the DMV to get my new 'cripple parking card' and zoom through Rami's to give him the voucher to get one of my car phones taken out of the jeep. I'll get one for the other phone tomorrow. I got the new and last Harry Potter book yesterday and am about half way through it.
Seven of my favorite books have gone missing, and it's driving me wild. I KNOW exactly where they are supposed to be, but they aren't there. No, I don't THINK I know. I DO KNOW. And I can't stand this. It's like when money was disappearing from where it had been put. The books bother me more than money.
Striar will most likely be coming up here to escape the heat wave predicted for the rest of the week, so I'll organize a search with him.
But, now, it's time for a quick shower, and to go out and get the in town stuff done before leaving to see the sawbones!

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