Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I think I just out did myself! I was up, out, and in the bank by 0900, and had a major success there. Plan A was to refinance the loan with balance of the money from the Great Disco/Car swap. Going ahead with plan A would have pretty much wiped out most of the advantages of the original loan. Sure, it would have lowered the payments and the overall amount, but the early partial payment fine as well as the interest rate would have cost an arm and a leg. So, I decided to go for plan B. With plan B the money stays in an interest bearing account and the loan payment comes out that account every month for the next 20 or so months! No early pay off fine and no refinance charge and the interest rate stays the same. I'm so chuffed at having come up with that plan.
I was out of the bank at 0920, went home and got the Focus to take it for it's 1000 appointment to have cell phone #2 installed. I was out of there at 1030 and went to pick up the spare tire, and find out when it's next tune up is. There's another almost 6000km until it needs attention. Home again, on to Harley and into town to see Lavana. And I was back home at 1215. A new record for me.
Tomorrow I'm taking Etty and Yaacov to visit the family in Tiberius late in the afternoon. We are smack dab in the middle of another heat wave and going to Tiberius much before sundown is just plain stupid. For some odd reason none of the family has air conditioning. It's still hot there after dark, but bearable. I suspect that Striar will be renewing his refugee from heat status soon.
Now, I have to take care of an interweb provider that has decided that I owe them 2000 shekels. I don't, and isn't it just too bad that I can prove it? They are going to be so sorry and this is going to be so much fun.


Raymurdock said...

I hope it works out for you. The eamil I send you keeps coming back to me :(

And I used return No matter what email I used it comes back :(

I got the email you send me but I can't replied it comes back saying mail failure :(

Purplegimp said...

Susie, I don't know what to say about my e addy. Let's just use IM for now?