Friday, July 20, 2007


The great car registration nightmare is finally over. I am now the proud, if sad, owner of a Ford Focus. It only took two weeks to solve a problem that never should have been in the first place. It took a threat or two yesterday but Shmaryah finally got the lien removed from the jeep, and Shula got the new registration sorted. Never mind that I had to go there twice yesterday. Never mind that the streets in town are so bad that my back is still screaming from the crap streets in town. It's over, and the bank is almost happy and now I can go places out of town. After going from the car place to the bank, I went to a grocery store that is at the other end of town and has a torn up street to get through on the way to pick up a few things for the weekend, and got into the only check out line that Harley can get through. The lady in front of me was the strangest I've seen yet. She had a full cart and there I sat with my screaming back and sore butt, holding the stuff I wanted while she took one item out her cart, waited while the cashier rang it up, discussed the price, and then took out another item, waited, discussed, and so on. I felt like screaming at that woman to just take the stuff out of her cart and get on with it. Never in my life have I seen anything like that. It was a good 25 minutes before I could put my stuff on the belt. I got home at around 1830 and crawled into bed to read until the news came on. I fell asleep at 2100 and woke up at 0515.
Today I'm going to do my usual Friday morning run to town for the local papers, get the car, fill it up, then go for a drive. Cars need exercise too. I'll probably rest a lot over the weekend. O Reilly just came on. I think I'll go watch. 0600 is too early for me.


Raymurdock said...

I guess it's nice you got everything staight out about your car.

So what's up with your email? The one you used to write to me subject Friday Night Bingo.

It's keeps comin g back to me.

Sorry to used this blog to ask you but I had no choice


Purplegimp said...

Yup! The new car is all set and legal.
I don't know what's wrong with my e mail. Maybe I didn't get the new computer configured right after all. Some seems to be coming in just fine, but I'm not getting replies from some. I'll try to figure it out a little later.

Raymurdock said...

Okay well as soon as you figure your email out I will tell you how many bingo bags I have and what colors they are and how many dabblers as