Sunday, March 04, 2007


I think that maybe, just possibly, my toes are almost all better. If not, they are very close to it. My Stay At Home Until They Are Better Plan seems to have worked. I'm taking them to the clinic to find out shortly. If not, I'll take them to the sawbones to let him pass judgment. I think I've figured out what's wrong with my right hip. It's been killing me for a month or so and last night I tossed all the pillowage from the bed, and just used my 'special pillows' and the pain went away as if by magic. I had been being lazy and leaving the mountain in place which would cause all the bone alignments to get out of place. How stupid. It's so easy to just toss them aside. I actually slept quite well and woke up to much less pain.
The noise should come to an end today. Every year at this time parents take great joy in buying their kids caps and other dangerous, noisy, illegal things for them to take outside and make everyone's lives miserable. It's called Purim and every year I hope the kids will lose, at the least fingers, and faces. It happens to kids every year that somewhere in the country they get hurt. Sorry, but they deserve to get hurt if their parents are so stupid as to encourage them to use the caps and things. Right. They've already started and it's only 0715. Today *is* the last day. This year in Haifa the cops patrolled and caught the kids who were using them, but I live in a lawless town, so no one bothers complaining. It really is too much at times. Some of the caps are really loud and some people actually think they are gun fire or katyushas. Just what we need up here. The upstairs neighbor's grandkids were setting them off in the stairway outside my unused door which made poor Pegasus bark and howl. That's why they did it. The parents and grandparents thought it was funny and didn't do a thing to stop them. That shouldn't come as a surprise considering that the parents are part of the lawless crowd at City Hall. Oh, well, today is the last day. YES! They just said on the news that some kids are in ICU from it, but we didn't hear where. It wasn't the kids here. Sorry, but they deserve it. There should be consequences to letting kids play with dangerous things. Not that it will cause anyone to even think twice about it next year. At least it's almost over for this year.

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