Proof positive that we got there on time!
In spite of my hatred of early morning missions, I pulled off yesterday's without a hitch. I actually woke up on time, had a coffee and got the stuff to the car all by myself. Orna was going to help me do that at 0745 but Motty and I decided rather late the night before to leave earlier than planned. I put my bag, the flowers, and water on Harley Two, took it all to the car, reparked Harley on the ramp, and staggered to the car. I got to Motty's at 0600, and off we went. After one small wrong turn in Afula, we got to the airport at 0830. Their plane had landed but they weren't out yet. There I sat on my wheely holding the bouquet with the stuffed toy, getting all choked up just thinking about them coming. I gave Motty my camera when he said it was a shame that he hadn't brought one. Mine lives in my bag. Then, all of a sudden, there they were! Big hugs and my tears of sheer joy started to flow. Somehow I managed to give her the flowers and toy through my tears and tell Aron that his gift is in the car. Off to loo with me, then, to the car. We got everything in , with the wheely on top, and headed out. Father and daughter in the back seat, mother and son up front. Of course, the very first thing I did when we left the airport was take a wrong turn. We ended up going south instead of north, but found our way back to the airport where we started all over again and found the right road. Aron was wise enough to not talk much about his father because any mention of him starts my tears. We stopped for coffee and he told me a little more about it then. He also set me off by asking how my mother's name is spelled. If it's a girl they want to use her name, if a boy, his father's. At least one of my kids has some feeling for tradition. I'm having trouble writing this with dry eyes. When we got back, I dropped them at her parents, and they invited me in, but I had to get my aches home. Of course I told Aron through a teary smile that he was to remember that Granny Franne gave the Beach Ball her/his first stuffed toy! I'm sure the other grandparents have crates of gifts, but I wanted to be first!! It's a long drive to and from the airport, and my back and right leg were screaming at me. Of course I got home to a pick up truck in my parking place. This time the criminal was a useless city hall employee who actually had the nerve to yell at me. Oh, is he ever going to be sorry on Monday. Too bad for him that I can't stand him anyway. This is going to be fun! Even more fun will be seeing the kids today. Her grandmother lives near me, so they'll probably come over, if not, I'll hop on Harley and go over there, and be ever so nice to those who were once 'the enemy'. It would be too much for me to stand to be on the outs with both of my kids. Especially Aron who is such a wonderful guy.
Funny thing about him. When he was a baby you could put his baby picture next to mine and not be able to say they were two different babies. Today he looks more like his father. Ok, that's just another way of saying he's gorgeously handsome! I'm so proud of him because he has grown up to be such a wonderful person.
On a sadder note, about an hour after I got home, Lavana called to tell me that Shmaryah had to go to Yavniel (near Tiberius) because his oldest brother's son was killed in a car accident around noon. I could barely understand her because she was crying so hard. What a lousy end to the day.
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