Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I really hate it when I call Etty and Yaacov at home and there's no answer. Of course the next thing to do is to call Etty's cell phone, which I did, only to told that Yaacov is in the hospital yet again with pneumonia and other assorted problems.
Talk about a quick change of plans. I'm not going to the local clinic with my toe. I'm taking it to THE MAN, the going to see Yaacov and Etty as the hospital he's in is in Haifa which is reasonably close to the clinic I need for the toe.
We've known for months that it's only a matter of time for Yaacov, but after my last visit I let myself hope that there would be more time. Yaron is coming on Friday, and I'm praying as hard as I can that he will get here in time. I have been feeling that he was just waiting for Yaron to get here, but now I'm not sure. 3 days is a long time with him in this condition.
There have been too many untimely deaths over the past year, and it's hard to deal with. Yeah, I know life isn't fair. Nothing new there, but this is almost too much. I'm afraid this will push Etty over the edge, and there's not a damn thing I can do about. I for sure can't see her living alone and even though it's a given that both sons will want her to move in with them, and Yaron is going to fight for her tooth and nail, Dotan is the logical choice. It would keep her in the country close the rest of her family where going to live with Yaron would land her in a country where she doesn't know the language and there's no chance that she ever would. It's all so sad.

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